Monday, April 23, 2018

what do you do when you want to give up?

because I'm at a loss.
saturday we came home from being away on a 10 day vacay to FLA.
i am SO HAPPY to be back at work today.
(now that's just crazy talk)
and life shouldn't be like that.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Phil Collins

one thing that i <font=sarcasm>really enjoy</font> is when i reach out to someone (in particular, who will remain anonymous) with a frustration, or during a time of mental health anguish, and i get NO REPLY AT ALL.
not even an, "i'm busy right now, can we regroup at XX:XX to chat?"
and then they have the audacity to complain that i don't talk much when we're together, etc. etc. etc.

now THAT's just crazy talk.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Cloak of invisibility

Often, when asked if they could have a super power, people will say, "I want to be invisible."
No, no you don't.
I don't have any super powers, yet I feel invisible most of the time I am at home. It is almost as if walking through the door coats me with magic invisibility powder that wears off when I am away from home.
I hate it.